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Aim Rifle Drone


    Aim rifle drone is a drone that remotely hits the target by mounting a K-2 rifle at the bottom of the aircraft. It is equipped with a rifle holder two-axis gimbal that minimizes recoil and impact on gases from rifle fires, and is equipped with an image tracking system on a high-magnification optical camera mounted on the drone to aim at long-distance targets in real time. Based on these functions, you can perform effective missions by minimizing loss of life with a small number of troops. Also, the radio between the drone and the GCS is higly secured with KCMVP.


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소총 조준사격 드론 체계는 탐지 식별 후 자동항법 비행 수동비행 등 비행 모드가 지원되고 가시권내 원격조종에 의한 실시간 표적정보 획득이 가능합니다.

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또한 임무중단 시 지정된 항로를 따라 자동복귀 및 재운용이 가능합니다.

Size 1810 x 1810 x 750mm
Power unit Lithium battery
Weight. Flight 43kg
Weight. 33.2kg
Payload 9.25kg
Fuel capacity Li-Po 12cell 16,000mAh * 3Pack
Operating time
Mission flight time. Max 20min
Operating time Valid range: Within 150m altitude up to 250m away from the target
Flight radius 500m
Speed Maximum speed 80km/h
Mission speed 40km/h
Wind resistance 10m/s
Operating temperature -25℃~43℃
Communication RF, LTE
Frequency 5.8 gHz
Flight radius Quadcopter
Mission equipment EO/IR CAMERA and K-2 Rifle
Mission purposes Aim Rifle Drone